Saturday, July 30, 2011

Debut Teaser

The game of tennis has changed since my high school days!  No doubt about it.  But I'm back in the game.  And as a new recruit to USTA league tennis, I have been taking classes, joining teams and following tennis related web sites ( for example).  It's becoming a favorite pastime, to say the least.  I've tuned in to Tennis Channel, ESPN2 and NBC to watch the tournaments and catch the prominent players' names.  (Hint: they are no longer Andre, John, Chrissy, Jimmy or Tracy.)

During the recent months since my re-discovery of the game of tennis, I have become intrigued by the equipment as well.  The racquets have changed a lot.  The balls--not so much.  Neither have the courts, the nets nor spectator seating.  The technology for monitoring matches and recording stats has improved by leaps and bounds.  Tennis Teasers, my blog site, is not about the technology, the rules, salaries or venues.  At least not to begin with.  My blogs will focus on humor that can be drawn from the many characters of the game, starting with the inanimate stars of the court--the round gems the masters cannot, dare not, take their eyes off of--tennis balls.

Tennis balls have differing personalities, aspirations and a wide range of pedigrees.  In short, tennis balls have secret lives.  My first blog features the fresh, unmarred newbies of the tennis ball community--the Virgin Balls.  I hope you like it.

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